Scalp psoriasis on black skin

Scalp psoriasis

In the Middle Ages, psoriatic plaques on the body of patients were called “the roses of the devil.” It was believed that these marks indicate a curse and can be transmitted to healthy people when touched. The tragedy was that until the 19th century. Everyone who suffered from chronic skin diseases was expelled from society and forced to wear white robes that hide the body and face.

Scalp psoriasis on black skin

Skin diseases are an extensive group of pathologists that, in addition to direct negative effects on human health, affect their psychological state. A separate dermatological disease is a psoriasis, a chronic ailment, the successful treatment of which is still a challenge for doctors and an indispensable condition for a full life for patients.

Often, the scalp becomes the first area of ​​a skin lesion in psoriasis. In some cases, the disease is limited to this area, but more often, especially if untreated, new plaques eventually appear on other parts of the body.

No one is immune from psoriasis, but the accumulated clinical experience allows doctors to identify risk groups. So, more often pathology is observed in women, the initial stage of the disease is usually recorded in patients at the age of 15-25. The risk of experiencing psoriasis is increased in people whose parents or siblings also suffer from this ailment.

Causes of scalp psoriasis

Every year, more and more new theories appear about what causes the inflammatory reaction and excessive synthesis of skin cells in the body in patients. While the leading hypothesis is genetic. 

According to it, some people have an innate predisposition to the accelerated renewal of keratinocytes, which, in the event of a disease, leads to a specific reaction of the immune system. The more new cells are produced that form psoriatic plaques. 

The more actively the skin in this area becomes inflamed, and the more the skin is injured under the influence of immune cells. In some cases, the starting point for the development of the disease is the pathology of the immune system, which in turn is a consequence of severe stress or an infectious disease. 

What does psoriasis look like

The disease first manifests itself as a rule scaling, similar to dandruff. The appearance of plaques is accompanied by itching, and the skin in this area is covered with silvery scales. It is important that with psoriasis – even with a pronounced inflammatory process – there is no hair loss, which is a hallmark of this disease.


Psoriasis plaques on black skin tend to grow and coalesce into larger formations – doctors call them “paraffin lakes.” The skin under them is easily injured and bleeds, so patients have to, despite severe itching, refrain from the desire to scratch the affected area.


Psoriasis can be either a minor cosmetic defect that is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, or a severely debilitating condition that interferes with personal life, work, and even restricts the patient’s ability to self-care.


Until now a reliable way to deal with this skin lesion once and for all has not been found. But this does not mean that there is no cure. Medicine has a variety of tools to help relieve psoriasis on black skin  symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life by prolonging periods of skin rest without sudden.

External medicine in the treatment of scalp psoriasis

Medicines intended for direct application to the affected area with psoriasis are selected individually. The patient must be prepared for the fact that the first remedy prescribed by the doctor will be ineffective – it takes time to find the optimal combination of effective drugs.

Steroid hormones

Medicines based on steroid hormones can quickly relieve inflammation and itching. Unlike steroids of systemic action, such ointments and creams have no pronounced side effects on the body. However their regular use can adversely affect the health of the skin. In the area of ​​application, it often becomes discolored, thin, and vulnerable to secondary infections.

With prolonged use, topical (local) steroids can cause a withdrawal syndrome – when, after the exacerbation has been removed and the drug is withdrawn, the disease returns with renewed vigor and with even more pronounced symptoms. That is why there are a number of restrictions on the use of topical steroids. 

Non-hormonal creams and ointments

It is possible to improve the condition of the scalp with psoriasis without resorting to hormonal drugs. Creams and ointments from this group are based on active substances with anti-inflammatory, soothing and moisturizing effects.

Zinc pyrithione, tar, salicylic acid, cortisol, and others. Their use is useful regardless of the stage of the disease – they reduce plaque formation, flaking, itching, and inflammation.


Patients suffering from psoriasis for a long time often turn to cosmetic products aimed at improving the appearance of the scalp, but at the same time having no medicinal effect. We are talking about all kinds of shampoos and oils designed to relieve irritation.

They actually soften the skin, and make the flaking of plaques less pronounced. It is not possible to assess the real effectiveness of such funds – especially when they are used in combination with the therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Symptomatic treatment

Some drugs that help with psoriasis of the scalp are not able to change the course of the disease, but they significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. Since there are a lot of factors affecting the activity of the pathological process. It becomes important to take care of the patient’s health as a whole, as well as to combat the consequences of the disease.

Lifestyle change

Avoiding alcohol, exercising regularly, and psychotherapy to reduce anxiety can help patients with  psoriasis. Some patients note that a healthy lifestyle contributes not only to a decrease in the manifestations of the underlying disease but also to an overall improvement in well-being.

In this matter, it is important to follow the recommendations of the attending physician and treat with healthy criticism the promotion of a complete rejection of drug treatment in favor of non-traditional methods.

Patients with psoriasis often become depressed from the realization that this disease, once manifested, will remain with them for life. However, a positive attitude and an active attitude towards new approaches to therapy contribute to the return of high quality of life and minimize unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

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