How to improve immunity naturally

What is Immunity

These are the protective properties of our body, which are manifested in the ability to detect bacteria and viruses alien to it, and also to fight them. Good immunity determines our health.

How to improve immunity naturally

There are usually two types of immunity

Natural (or innate) immunity is the one that we acquire during illness and which is then inherited.

Artificial immunity is the one that we acquire as a result of the introduction of ready-made antibodies or vaccines (vaccinations). In this case, the body begins to produce its own antibodies, and this ability persists for many years.

The body begins to build up the immune system from birth and finishes its formation only after puberty.

But even the strongest immunity can weaken with age and any of the following factors can be the culprit.

Causes of decreased immunity

Regular stress and depression.

Mental and physical fatigue

Surgery and chemotherapy

Taking antibiotics and other medications for a long time

Drinking alcohol, smoking, and other bad habits

Improper nutrition

Passive lifestyle

Lack of sleep

How to raise immunity at home

Hardening rules

Hardening should only be started when you are healthy.

The temperature should be reduced gradually. For example, you can start by simply washing your face with cool water. Then slowly lower the temperature and expand the hardening range (s).

It is important to harden regularly. Moreover, a runny nose is not a reason to stop it. This is just the body’s response to changes.

Tempering method

Air baths are a stay at a temperature not higher than 15 degrees. Start with 3 minutes and then extend this time by 1-2 minutes every day.

Drying off with a wet towel. Rub your back, chest, neck, hips, legs with vigorous movements for 3-4 minutes. The water temperature should be lowered gradually, starting from 30 degrees and decreasing by 5 degrees every week.

Pouring is best done in the morning. Start by partially dousing your body with water at room temperature. After a couple of weeks, you can douse yourself gradually to lower the temperature.

A contrast shower helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart. Alternate hot and cold water for 10 seconds at each temperature.

Walking barefoot

 You don’t have to walk barefoot on the ground for this procedure. Everything can be arranged at home. Pour cold water into the bottom of the tub and sit in it for a few minutes. Change the duration and temperature gradually.

Hardening procedures have a positive effect on blood circulation, skin condition, help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and, in general, activate the work of all organs.

Physical activity

Moderate exercise is another way to boost your immune system. While excessive physical activity can, on the contrary, disrupt it. This is due to competitive stress, hormonal changes, and over strain of the body. 

And if your main goal is to activate the protective functions of the body, and not to participate in a bodybuilding competition, go jogging, cycling, do exercises, walk a lot. 

This will have a good effect on well-being, health, improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, help remove mucus from the bronchi and increase the response of the immune system. With regular, moderate exercise, the chance of contracting respiratory infections is reduced by 50 percent.

Proper nutrition

The most important condition for a good immune system is healthy and wholesome food. It is necessary to exclude from the diet as soon as possible or to minimize the use of harmful products, such as:

sugar, sweets, cakes

strong alcoholic drinks

carbonated drinks

fast food

fried food

sausages and canned food

premium flour pasta

Changing your eating habits is easier than it sounds. Indeed, many harmful products can be easily replaced with useful analogs

Folk remedies

Proven folk remedies should not be neglected, which are recognized as catalysts for immunity.


Rosehip is famous for its powerful antibacterial effect, as well as a high content of vitamin C – in this, it even overtakes lemon and currant. Pour boiling water over the berries and leave for several hours. Drink a glass of tincture daily to prevent colds.

You can completely replace the rosehip infusion and save yourself the hassle of brewing and infusing the drink with  Vitamin C plus chewable tablets.


Honey is considered to be one of the richest foods in trace elements and minerals. One tablespoon a day is enough to maintain immunity. However, in the case of illness, you can enhance the effect of honey by adding other medicinal products to it. 

The recipe for the mixture is very simple: grind 3 garlic cloves, 1 lemon in a blender, add ½ cup, honey. It is recommended to take the mixture a tablespoon on an empty stomach and at bedtime. You can use ginger or aloe juice instead of garlic.


Lemon is indispensable for diseases associated with colds. For angina and pharyngitis, you can gargle with lemon juice diluted in a glass of water. For colds, table salt is added to the same solution.


Ginger root is used for the preparation of decoctions and teas, as well as for inhalation. Ginger will help you quickly cope with a cold, restore strength after an illness.


Garlic contains a natural antibiotic – allicin, which kills harmful microorganisms, increases immunity and resistance to stress. For the prevention of colds, it is enough to consume a clove of garlic once a day. And for those who are afraid of an unpleasant smell and cannot eat fresh garlic, Garlic tablets will help, which contain no less useful substances than a natural product.


Walnuts not only contain a huge amount of vitamins and essential oils but also have a high nutritional value. So 100 grams of nuts can replace a piece of chop. Mixtures of walnuts with lemon, raisins, dried apricots, and prunes are very convenient to use – just mix the listed chopped products in equal parts and add honey.

Green tea

Green tea contains alkaloids (stimulates mental activity, improves performance), and polyphenols (helps prevent vascular disease). You can drink green tea in any quantity. And if this drink does not give you pleasure, you can take the Fruit and Vegetable.

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