Uses of alum

How useful is alum for the human body

The full name of this substance is ” potassium alum “. Alum uses for teeth are widely known, It has very beneficial effects on human body as well. Alum is a colorless crystal that has long been widely used in folk medicine and the food industry.

How useful is alum for the human body

Alum is odorless transparent or white crystals, readily soluble in water. The aqueous solution has an acidic reaction and a sweetish-astringent taste. 

Alum has long been used as a universal antiseptic, hemostatic, wound healing, and antipruritic agent, and in the modern food industry – as a food additive.

Application in medicine

The anti-inflammatory effect of alum consists of a combination of astringent and drying effects. In high concentrations, alum has a cauterizing and hemostatic effect.

The disinfecting (disinfecting) property of alum is associated, firstly, with the fact that they immobilize microorganisms, and secondly, the aluminum included in their composition has an antimicrobial effect.

The listed qualities of alum make it possible to use them for various diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.And inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. Alum is indispensable in case of local excessive sweating – hyperhidrosis, which contributes to the occurrence and development of fungal diseases of the feet.

Use in cosmetic 

Alum is used in cosmetology as a part of many skin care products, especially for oily, problematic, and porous skin – they are used to produce creams and powders that have anti-inflammatory effects, increase skin elasticity, and tighten skin pores.

In addition, alum reduces the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, being a fairly strong antiperspirant, and also has a deodorant effect. It is a centuries-old alternative to modern deodorants, whose safety is increasingly being questioned.

Potassium alum does not penetrate cells and does not disrupt the work of sweat glands. Their action is not based on blocking sweat glands or blocking pores, but on high astringent and adsorption properties. They dehydrate and therefore destroy bacterial cells, the action of which is the source of the odor. 

Use of alum as deodorant

Alum in the form of a crystal should be moistened with water and passed several times over the skin in places of perspiration.

Another way is to apply a dry crystal over damp skin. At the same time, water dissolves part of the crystal, forming a film on the skin surface in which bacteria cannot multiply.

In the same way, the crystal is used as an after-shave to disinfect the skin, heal minor cuts, and eliminate itching and irritation. Alum is a real stone of freshness from the depths of nature.

An even more effective option is burnt (dehydrated) alum, which is sold in pharmacies. They are obtained by heating alum at a temperature of + 160 ° C – while the initial volume is reduced by almost 2 times. What remains is ground into powder, sieved. The resulting powder is white, crystalline, inert, chemically stable, absorbing moisture well and odorless.

Alum powder can be made into an aqueous solution. The solution can be used again as a deodorant, applied to the skin, as well as for rinsing – it is an excellent remedy for the care of teeth, gums, and the entire mouth. In case of periodontal disease, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a 3% solution of 1 alum 1-2 times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Are industrial deodorants safe?

For many people, deodorants and antiperspirants are products of daily use, so it’s worth considering their safety.

The difference between deodorants and antiperspirants is significant. If a deodorant fights only with an unpleasant odor, without affecting the sweating process itself, then the antiperspirant action is aimed at suppressing the very process of sweating.

And no matter how pleasant dry armpits are, remember that sweating is a natural and necessary physiological function for the body. Many doctors warn against the constant use of antiperspirants, and also categorically do not recommend using an antiperspirant before playing sports, sauna, or steam bath.

Most people, when choosing a deodorant or antiperspirant, first of all, pay attention to the smell and appearance (stick, roll-on, cream, spray, etc.), but few people look at the composition and know about its components. But this is the main thing.

The list of substances used in the production of deodorants and antiperspirants is quite large and complex. Aluminum salts, butane, propane and odorous synthetic substances, which manufacturers usually keep silent about in their advertising. In addition, many deodorants and antiperspirants contain alcohol.

If there is no aluminum in the composition, then, as a rule, triclosan is present. Despite its widespread use, researchers report possible serious effects of long-term exposure to this chemical.

Treatment For Toothache

Toothache can be treated with one tablespoon of roasted Alum, Mustard oil, Rock Salt, Black Salt, and Blue Vitriol one teaspoon. 

Powder them and Strain through cotton cloth. Use it as tooth powder once a day.

Treatment For Yellow Teeth 

Char the bark of Catechu. Take it and add roasted Alum powder with Salt in a 4:1:1 ratio. Brush your teeth daily with this mixture.

Treatment For Dental Diseases 

Alum along with the following herbs can help relieve dental diseases:

 Vinegar: 1 tablespoon

 Alum Powdered: 1/2 teaspoon

 Black Pepper Powdered: 1/2 teaspoon

 Mix all ingredients. Add one teaspoon Honey to the mixture. Stir it well and make a homogeneous mixture. Rub it on your teeth every morning, in case of any side effect please stop using immediately.

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